Pointing a finger

Pointing the finger

We often will point to an item or person to identify them to another.  The term pointing the finger is an idiom meaning to blame one and identify him.

Has the LORD ever spoken to you from HIS word, then instantly you are being tested in that very area? 

It is as clear as if it happened yesterday, but it was years and years ago when I was a young believer in JESUS. I had been reading the Word of GOD and the LORD was speaking to me about judging others.

Isaiah 58:9    take away the yoke (my demands and expectations of others)

stop pointing the finger (judging others)

stop speaking emptiness (you don’t know all the details)

feed the hungry and clothe the naked (do what you can to help)

then (if you do this) you will call to the LORD and HE will answer

Isaiah 58:11 then the LORD will guide you continually…

Then I went to where I was reading in the New Testament and

Ephesians 4:31-32 let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice. be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as GOD for CHRIST’s sake forgave you.

It was a Sunday morning and as I was leaving for church, someone did something that really upset me and I filled up with anger, Looking back I found that in that situation

I had (unmet and probably unreasonable) expectations of the person

I did point my finger at him as being wrong

I spoke as if I knew why he did what he did (when I knew only in part)

I allowed anger to control me so I

I spoke out of turn.

In other words, I totally blew it. I completely failed the test.  I knew it, the moment I got in the car and left for church.  So confessed all the way there. 

Then the sermon hit me square between the eyes.  The pastor began by saying, “When we feel angry, it is because we’ve gotten our eyes off of JESUS and tried to take control of the situation or person.  

His words described me that morning.  I had been angry and pointed a finger at someone’s actions, even though I just read how I must stop that.  And now, three fingers were pointing back at me.  I was guilty.

You therefore have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things, (Romans 2:1).

The shame I felt through that conviction was awful and what I learned that morning has stayed with me down through the years.  Now when I feel the anger rising I do what the word tells me.  I run to the throne of grace for help in my time of need.  Cause I need help to release my anger to GOD (Hebrews 4:16).  And when I find myself wanting to point my finger at other, the HOLY SPIRIT (John 14:26) reminds me of Romans 2:1 which makes me stop and ask where am I guilty, LORD?

Funny thing is that when I choose to do things GOD’s way, that which HE tells us to do in HIS word, peace comes over me and I start thinking about and praising the LORD from whom all blessings flow (James 1:17).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfector of my faith,



I looked up into the sky

One day in my past I became very upset and ran from my home.  Further circumstances of perceived danger caused me to climb through barbed wire fencing and run through an open field full of cactus.  Darkness descended and the stars became visible.  My tears had worn me out, so after a while I plopped down onto the ground careful to avoid the cactus and looked up into the sky.  

As I looked into the sky with its vastness and beauty I recognized some of GOD’s essence/ the glory of HIS immensity and wisdom and so I called out to GOD and GOD HIMSELF met with me as I sat on the ground.  A calm enveloped me, and I was impressed with words without an audible sound. “Sharon, I am with you. It’s time to go home.” 

My anger, frustration and fear drained out of me, for I knew the ALMIGHTY was right.  So, I got up and walk dodging the cactus straight across the field to my home.

The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who was and is and is to come desires a relationship with each person.  The MOST HIGH chose to make people in HIS own image so we could relate to each other and to HIM.  HE also placed evidence before us in the heavens to cause us to reach out to HIM.

The heavens declare the glory (essence/ character) of GOD; and the firmament shows HIS handiwork. Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare YOUR righteousness (that YOU do all things right), and the people will see YOUR glory (essence/ nature/ character) Psalm 97:6.

We look up in the sky on a dark night and see the heavenly lights all with circuits of their own, synchronized so that they don’t interfere with each other and know there must be a Creator who designed all of it.  This Creator must be immense since the heavens are vast beyond our comprehension and to make all of it shows fantastic power.  Then when the sun comes up or goes down we see beautiful colors in the sunrises and sunsets and clouds that not only add beauty but also speak of the water cycle designed by our skillful Creator.

These are just mere fringes of the wonders of our Creator GOD seen in HIS Creation.  No wonder we are told that the heavens declare HE does everything right and that the heavens show us our invisible GOD.

Because that which may be know of GOD is manifest in them; for GOD has showed it to them.  For the invisible things of HIM from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even HIS eternal power and GODHEAD; so that they are without excuse.  Because when they knew GOD they glorified HIM not as GOD, neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened (Romans 1:19-21).

Yet, to this day, if we seek HIM, HE will let us find HIM if we seek HIM with all our heart (Jeremiah 29:13).



What do you practice?

Walking into a new friend’s home I spied an old piano just like the one my dad bought for Christmas in 1956 when I was in the 6th grade. We had just moved to Sacramento from a small town in the mountains. I began to take piano lessons at that time. It did not come naturally for I have short stubby fingers and am a bit awkward.  But I would sit down on the piano bench and plunk away at the scales to the beat of a metronome as best I could. My teacher insisted that I use a metronome, hoping that it would increase my sense of tempo. It did help, plus Praise the LORD, in GOD’s mercy it prepared me for the days when I would lose my ability to hear many sounds. For I still could pick up on the tempo and enjoy the rhythm even though many tones were gone.

Daily I would faithfully sit and practice the scales and simple songs.  I never got very far in learning to play for my instructions were cut short. It was a time of much upheaval in our family, and a few months after starting lessons I moved hundreds of miles away to live with my grandmother. Set in a strange new world getting to know my grandmother who I’d only seen once a year, going to a new school, and meeting new people pushed thoughts of playing the piano far away, and since money for lessons just wasn’t there, I never had another opportunity.

As I read in 1 John 3 my thoughts turned back to those daily practice sessions on the piano sixty-seven years ago.  I remember that practicing my scales often felt like drudgery. 

But living with my grandmother I found JESUS, or I should say HE claimed me.  I am so thankful for GOD the FATHER’s unspeakable love shown so clearly when HE gave the LORD JESUS, HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believed in HIM would not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). I marvel at how freely JESUS laid aside HIS position and rights, took on a human body and came in the flesh as a little human baby born and placed in an animal feeding trough. JESUS grew up in submission to ones HE had made.  JESUS always taught and modeled GOD the FATHER perfectly (Hebrews 1:2-3).  I stand in awe that JESUS did only what GOD the FATHER told HIM to do and then gave HIMSELF to die on the cross bearing all the sins of the world-past present and future.  Astonishing many HE rose again on the 3rd day and is now seated at the right hand of FATHER GOD awaiting the day when HE will come for HIS bride, the church. It is written HE will remain in the clouds when HE calls us up to meet with HIM (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17) and then 7 years later come to earth to put down rebellion and literally reign on the earth for 1,000 years.

What caught my attention in 1 John 3:1-10 was that until JESUS calls us up into the clouds to be with HIM and escape the 7 years of Jacob’s (Jewish) trouble also known as the wrath of GOD on the wicked and called the great Tribulation, we Christians are to be PRACTICING being like JESUS.  PRACTICING meaning learning more and more and getting better and better at it just as one would if diligently practiced playing the piano.

Now there is a difference between PRACTICING doing right and legalism. Legalism is trying to gain GOD’s favor by how I act. JESUS already earned that for me. PRACTICING doing right is just trying to be more like my Savior JESUS. Like a little child gets steadier on his feet by trying to walk so I can walk closer with the HOLY SPIRIT by practicing to do right with HIS help.

It is said that “Practice makes perfect”. Well, I never got anywhere near being perfect in playing the piano, but I do choose to spend my days now practicing what the Word of GOD says.

“See how great a love the FATHER has given us, that we would be called children of GOD; and in fact we are. For this reason, the world does not know (understand) us: because it did not know (understand) HIM. Beloved, now we are children of GOD, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when HE (JESUS) appears, we will be like HIM, because we will see HIM just as HE is. And everyone who has this hope set on HIM (JESUS) purifies himself, just as HE (JESUS) is pure.

Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. You know that HE (JESUS) appeared in order to take away sins; and in HIM there is no sin. No one who remains in HIM (JESUS) sins continually; no one who sins continually has seen HIM or knows HIM. Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as HE (JESUS) is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The SON of GOD appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. No one who has been born of GOD practices (intentionally tries to do more and more) sin, because his seed remains in him; and he cannot sin continually, because he has been born of GOD. By this the children of GOD and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of GOD, nor the one who does not love his brother and sister.” (1 John 1-10 NASB).

Those verses tell us how to purify ourselves (live like one under a vow) as HE (JESUS) is pure (blameless, innocent, modest). We fix our eyes on JESUS and determine to follow HIS actions/ to do as JESUS would do (Hebrews 12:2).  Remember the bracelets WWJD (what would JESUS do)? Following HIM it is only possible as we look to HIM and HE strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).

Now here comes the part about PRACTICING that really caught my attention, and it must be extremely important for 6 times from 1 John 3:4 to 10 the Greek word poieo (Practice) is used. The NASB translates that word practicing all 6 times. When used as a participle that word means to be continually, actively devoted to, follow after, practicing something.

The verses speak of practicing doing right, or following after JESUS’ actions, and being right (1 John 3:7), or practicing sin and following after the devil (1 John 3:8).

There is a strong emphasis in these verses, that if you belong to GOD, you will practice to do right. That is, you will want to do what is right and good.  Just as I want to play the right notes at the right tempo. But just as I would slip and hit the wrong note as I practiced on the piano, or as today I hit the wrong letter when I was texting a friend, I sometimes slip and sin. I do not delight in sinning, and am definitely not practicing making mistakes, but sometimes it does happen.

On the other hand, the lifestyle of this world, doing things “my way”, is practicing sin. Cain is spoken of in 1 John 3:11-12. He is said to be of the devil. But even before he murdered his brother, it is written that his works were evil. What did he do wrong? He was a farmer, was that wrong? I don’t think so. But Cain offered the product of his own work to GOD as an offering, when GOD had said it must be a blood sacrifice. Doing things our own way, instead of GOD’s way is evil. It is following after the devil’s way of wanting to be in control/ the one who calls the shots/ how things are done.

Our FATHER in heaven has decreed that we who love HIM will be transformed into JESUS likeness so that JESUS will be the 1st of many brethren (Romans 8:28-29). On our own that awesome transformation is totally impossible. The context indicates it is through both hard times and good that the process of our change is carried out. It is the work of the HOLY SPIRIT (2 Corinthians 3:18), through the prayers of JESUS (Hebrews 7:25).  We can be a part of it if we practice what we learn and thus train ourselves to discern good from evil (Hebrews 5:14). In this way, we purify ourselves even as HE (JESUS) is pure.

I urge you in CHRIST’s stead to consider these things and may the good LORD give you wisdom and understanding (James 1:5, 1 Corinthians 2:10) as HE guides you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthens you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10), and enables you with HIS grace to practice being good(Hebrews 4:16). Now may the GOD of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.”(Romans 15:13) Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over all your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).



Are you listening?

I was given a package of Forget me nots seeds when I attended the memorial service for an old friend.  She was a very special lady.  Being it was too late in the year to plant the seeds outdoors, I threw a few of the seeds in a small planter and placed it on a windowsill in my office.  They have grown each plant in its own way and whenever I see the beautiful little blue blossoms I think of Bev who was slender and beautiful inside and out.

As a seed is planted in the ground, GOD plants thoughts in our hearts (Philippians 2:13). Those thoughts are to lead us to co-labor with HIM in doing what HE is doing so that HE can reward us for doing good. The LORD loves to give gifts to HIS children.

Sometimes those thoughts from GOD come when we read HIS Word the Bible, other times thoughts seem to come quite out of the blue. (Like “You need to call so n so”, or,  “Don’t go there”).  But no matter how they come we initially know we should act on those thoughts. If we accept those thoughts, check with GOD about them, ponder them and act on them they will grow and produce what GOD wants done.  People can see a difference when we obey the thoughts GOD places in us.

GOD’s words test us. If we refuse to listen and push away the thoughts HE gives us, whether they are a warning or an instruction, we are turning away from listening to the LORD.

Now the devil also plants thoughts in our minds. The thoughts from him are deceptive, forceful whispers.  The Bible refers to them as fiery darts of the devil (Ephesians 6:16). Those thoughts can gnaw at you and seem urgent and pushy. We can either accept them or refuse them.  If we accept such thoughts without 1st checking to see if they line up with the Word of GOD (Isaiah 8:20), if we think about them/ mulling them over in our minds they will also grow and grow and eventually produce problems.  People can see the results of our bad thinking.

It doesn’t matter how large or small the seed is that is planted, if the seed is received by the ground it will produce and the results show the onlooker what kind of seed it was.

We learn to recognize the difference between GOD’s thoughts and the devil’s through studying the Bible.  But we still need to check out every thought with JESUS (2 Corinthians 10:5), for the evil one can pretend to be an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) and is very persuasive. Often he disguises himself as though he is us  and can sound more like us than we do. So, if we choose to listen to the devil’s suggestions, which by the way are the world’s standards (Ephesians 2:2, 1 John 5:19), we think we are just doing what is right in our own eyes.

Now GOD is loving and fair, but as any loving parent knows to let sin go on and on without correction is neither fair nor good for the children for sin destroys.

GOD pronounced HE was going to bring trouble on HIS people -the Jews.  They were clueless so asked the prophet Jeremiah to find out what sin they had done that they were going to be punished for.  GOD had Jeremiah tell the Jews that their fathers had forsaken GOD gone into idolatry and served and worshiped false gods and did not do what HE commanded. But then added:  “And you have done worse than your fathers, behold each one follows the dictates of his own evil heart, so no one listens to ME” (Jeremiah 16:12).

Did you get that? GOD said the worse thing to do is to “do what is right in your own eyes”.  By doing that you are refusing to listen to HIM.

How often do we just want to do what we think is right in our own eyes, not stopping to ask GOD what HE wants us to do?  How often do we pray asking for what we think is right in our own eyes and don’t stop and listen to what HE wants us to pray for? 

Sure makes me stop and think.  How about you?  Let’s not forget to listen to GOD.



Add and Subtract

This old snapshot (1951) is of a one room schoolhouse in June Lake, California.  The students, grade 1 through 8, and our teacher was my dad, Charles F McIntire. On the stairs in the middle (the short one) is me and my sister Rosie is directly below me sitting on a step.  It was Dad’s 1st teaching job, after leaving the ministry.  It was my 1st school and Dad taught me my first 3 grades. It is where I learned to reason, to read and write and to add and subtract.

There were field trips where we gained an appreciation for beauty and the wonder of GOD’s creation but in the classroom after our A B C’s, adding and subtracting were two essentials we were taught. But although they are things we need to know and use daily, today I read verses that warn against adding and subtracting in certain situations.

Throughout the book of Judges, the clause “everyone did what was right in their own eyes” was used several times. As you read what happened you can see how dangerous it is to step out and do what is right in your own eyes because it can result in division and consequences that I for one don’t want. 

Proverbs 14:12 NKJV verifies that truth, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”

On the other side of the coin, this morning I came to 3 verses, Deuteronomy 12:26, 28, 13:18 that spoke of the need of ‘doing what is right in GOD’s eyes’ by hearkening to HIS voice and obeying HIS commands. The only way we can do that is to find out what is right in GOD’s eyes and that sends us to read HIS word, to listen for (be alert to) GOD the HOLY SPIRIT’s  still small voice (that knowing you really should do something), and expect GOD to answer when you ask HIM something.

Right smack in the middle of those verses I read the warning, “don’t add to or subtract from HIS word”.

Deuteronomy 12:32 “whatsoever I command you observe it and do it, you shall not add nor diminish (subtract) from it.”

Although Deuteronomy 4:2, Joshua 1:7, and Proverbs 30:6 speak of not adding to GOD’s word, it is in the last book of the Bible that we find the same warning in the strongest terms.

“For I testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, GOD shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away (subtract) from the words of the book of this prophecy, GOD shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation 22:18-19

This doctrine to hearken/listen to the voice of the LORD and to do what is right in GOD’s eyes is one we are quick to give lip service to. But when it comes down to the nitty gritty/ the actual situations we find ourselves in, it is horrifyingly easy to lose sight of what is right in GOD’s sight and go back to doing or asking (even praying for) what is right in our own eyes.

Why is that?

I think it is because the devil is loud and makes himself heard. Like in the Garden of Eden, the Accuser is still in the business of planting doubts about GOD and HIS ways into our minds and making us think they are our own ideas.

So beware, be on the alert, and watch against the devil’s subtle schemes of planting of doubts in your mind concerning GOD’s ways. Be like JESUS and counter the devil’s lying fiery darts of doubts with GOD’s Holy Word.



Are you good enough?

This morning as I talked to the LORD a verse came to mind along with the name of a person.  From past experiences I knew instantly I was to share that Bible verse with her.  When I obeyed that prompting, she said it was a timely word, a word she needed to hear.  That illustrates the outworking of the New Covenant that JESUS established through HIS blood on the cross (1 Corinthians 11:25). 

Some inadvertently seek to teach the law or rule keeping.  The Bible says that they neither understand what they are saying or what they affirm (1 Timothy 1:7).  For, “The law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous person (a believer in JESUS covered with the righteousness of GOD), but for the lawless and insubordinate …” (1 Timothy 1:8-9).

Isaiah speaks of righteousness 51 times but a key to understanding it is seen in Isaiah 64:6. It states that only a sinless person can do right.  “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags”

The purpose of the law is to show what sin is to those who are sinning, that they might know they are guilty before GOD (Romans 3:19-20).  Whereas: a person is not considered by GOD righteous by their actions for our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6) in GOD’s eyes for all of us have sinned (Romans 3:23). 

“The righteousness (required by) of GOD is through faith in JESUS CHRIST to all and (placed by GOD) on all who believe (in JESUS)” (Romans 3:22).

You see once we in sincere faith call upon the name of the LORD we are saved (Romans 10:9-10, 13) our sins are washed away, and we get the HOLY SPIRIT (John 7:38-39). The HOLY SPIRIT seals us to GOD and as a down payment guaranteeing we belong to GOD until HE comes gets us (Ephesians 1:13-14, 4:30).  The HOLY SPIRIT then teaches us/ leads us in the way we should go and explains what GOD means and wants us to do and reminds us of the Word of GOD when we need to use it as a sword against the enemy (1 Corinthians 2:10, John 14:26, Ephesians 6:17). 

This is the New Covenant established by JESUS on the cross (1 Corinthians 11:25).  This New Covenant is defined in Hebrews 10:16-17: “…I will put my laws in their hearts (so they want what I want) and write them on their minds (so they know what they are supposed to do) and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more.”

In Philippians 2:13 GOD states this New Covenant as: “It is GOD who works in you both to will (to want to do) and (be enabled/ strengthened) to do HIS (GOD’s) good pleasure (what HE wants done.).  That’s GOD’s part and now comes ours. Philippians 2:12- work out (do) what GOD has put within you (nudged you) to do. Or as I often say, obey the nudges.

No longer is it attempting to keep a set of rules to gain GOD’s favor, but rather it is listening to and letting GOD lead us step by step.  We do what HE says because we believe HE is right and knows what to do.  We don’t throw out our Bibles, but we go meet with GOD in HIS word and there learn more about HIM who loves us.  While there we learn HIS ways and standards, we hear HIM speak personally to us in our own situations and instruct us in what HE wants us to do.

We are given a new heart when we believe in JESUS and enter the New Covenant (Ezekiel 36:26) but we are told to then renew our minds daily (Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:23). That means we need to get in GOD’s word and to talk with HIM.

Are you striving to obey rules or are you taking time with GOD, then doing what you know HE wants you to do in the strength HE gives you when you ask (Hebrews 4:16)?



Who is right?

Reading through the Old testament you will notice that there were good and bad rulers, just like there are today.  Relating why things were going well in Israel it was said of two kings he “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.” Indicating that when a country’s laws are according to GOD’s standards things are going to go well.

I literally hate the reading through the last chapters of the book of Judges because of the progressive evil done by individuals and groups and seemingly acceptance of the evil by the masses.  The last verse in the book explains the why of the way things were.  It says it all.

“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 21:25).

Today, for the most part everyone does what was right in his own eyes consequentially we see the breakdown of values and standards with its resulting growth of evil and evil’s acceptance as normal or good.  For when we don’t choose to submit ourselves to GOD’s Word and live by HIS standards we choose to do what is right in our own eyes and become enslaved to thought patterns of this world system which is influenced by the evil one (Ephesians 2:1-3, 1 John 5:19).

“Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?” (Romans 6:16).

“As GOD (and HIS Word) is exalted to the right place in our lives, a thousand problems are solved all at once.” AW Tozer

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2).



So that’s why

I asked and HE told me….

Finishing up the book of Judges was horrific… I hate those chapters from 19 on. I get angry when that man throws his wife out the door and bars it to save his own skin from the lust driven mob; I hate it when in the morning he comes out and pushes at her and tells her to get up while she lies dead; I am nauseated when he cuts her up, but this time I also was stirred up with indignation with what the people who came to take vengeance for that man did in slaughtering all the innocent lives. I cried out to GOD… “Why LORD, why?”.

Then I came to the last verse of the book of Judges and in the last phrase GOD answered my cry of “why?”. Judges 21:25b “…and everyone did that which was right in his own eyes.”

That says it all doesn’t it? Are you? am I? doing what is right in our own eyes or do we acknowledge GOD in all things so HE can direct our paths and words into what is right in HIS eyes?



Ever find it hard to do what is right?

Have you ever gone on a diet or a fast?  It seems like everything you should not have is exactly what you intensely crave.

Before I knew that I should restrict carbs, I had no problem but the moment I was told to cut them out, that is all I could think of and all I wanted.  That truth is an illustration of what Romans 7:8 is speaking about.

But sin used this law against evil desires by reminding me that such desires are wrong, and arousing all kinds of forbidden desires within me! Only if there were no laws to break would there be no sinning. Romans 7:8TLB

Several translations say “sin seized the opportunity” and the original words in the Greek for King James translation: wrought in me all manner of concupiscence means produces or ignites within me all kinds of intense desires.  (Just like when they tell me to cut down on sweets, that makes me want them.)

You see the Law was given by GOD to show us that by ourselves we cannot be good. 

Galatians 3:24 Therefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Eve was seduced by Satan to believe that independence of GOD would bring her fulfillment and would make her equal to GOD (you will be as GOD Genesis 3:5).  Doing things our own way does the opposite.  The standard of right and wrong is God’s holy nature (Romans 3:23). That is why GOD urges us to trust Him (His wisdom and understanding and timing) and not lean on our own understanding or be wise in our own eyes but to talk to HIM about everything (Proverbs 3:5-7).   

When we take those thoughts and intense desires that invade our minds and hearts to JESUS, HE will show us what to do and give us the power to do it.  HE promises (Hebrews 4:16). An HE always keeps HIS word.

