A branch

Who is behind what you say and are enabled to do?

JESUS said, “I am the vine, you are the branches…he who abides in ME…bears fruit, for without ME you can do nothing” (John 15:5).  That is nothing that counts in GOD’s eyes.

Draw a grape vine and from it draw branches.  Label the vine JESUS and place your name on one branch and names of other Christians you know on other branches.

As long as a branch is connected to the vine it draws life and vitality from the vine.  That is how it gets the strength to do what it needs to/ produce grapes.  JESUS said we are the same.

To abide means to stay connected/ to draw everything from the vine.  We know we get the air we breathe from JESUS, do we listen to HIM through reading HIS Word or seek HIS direction in all things (Proverbs 3:5-7).  Do we pour out our hearts to HIM and expect HIM to speak to us and lead us or are we wise in our own eyes and do what is right in our own eyes?     

Only if we abide in JESUS and HIS words abide in us can we achieve that for which we were created for.

Are you abiding in JESUS so you can be confident and not ashamed at HIS coming? (1 John 2:28)  Sure does look like HE’s coming soon!



Two Seas

That snow and then all the rain we got was so needed!  But it brought the cold so I’ve been wearing my fuzzy pajamas around the house to keep warm so I don’t have to have Melba’s area heater on all the time and run up the electricity bill.  With this inflation everything is super HIGH.  But GOD is good, and GOD provides!

Preparing lessons to teach on 1 Samuel I prepared maps to help us get a feel of the setting. Pondered the difference between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.  Mount Hermon is located at the northeastern boundary of Israel, on the border between Syria and Lebanon. Along with melting snow and the abundant rainfall on Mount Hermon, large springs at the base of the mountain form the main headwaters of the Jordan River which flows into the Sea of Galilee where fish live in abundance. Then the lifegiving water flows out of the Sea of Galilee into the south flowing Jordan River giving lush vegetation life throughout it’s journey UNTIL it empties out into the Dead Sea where it stops and evaporates.

That water makes me think of what JESUS said in John 7:38-39 that everyone who believes in HIM will have water flowing out of his heart to meet the needs of others.  This HE spoke of getting the HOLY SPIRIT whom we get when we believe.  As we allow the HOLY SPIRIT to lead and fill us lifegiving water flows through us to brings life to those we have contact with.

The sea full of life with abundance of fishes is the Kinneret, better known as the Sea of Galilee. The dead sea is, you guessed it, the Dead Sea.

Now the Sea of Galilee is constantly being filled and emptying and it’s water is flowing through the lush Jordan River valley into the Dead Sea.

But the Dead Sea does NOT empty its water at all for there is no outlet. Yet the Dead Sea is continually shrinking, because the intense heat at this lowest place on Earth actually evaporates more water than is flowing into it.

The sea that is alive is the one that gives. The more of yourself, of your life, of your love, that you pour out, the more alive, filled up, and refreshed you will become.

JESUS laid aside all HIS rights when HE clothed HIMSELF with a human body to come to earth and interact with us. JESUS, while on earth, gave all of HIMSELF constantly to meet the needs around HIM and then HE allowed HIMSELF to be crucified for all sin, even the sin of those who hated HIM and were HIS bitter enemies.

All that love that HE poured out was returned to HIM by HIS FATHER throughout life and revealed for all to see in the resurrection.  It also was returned to HIM by all the people who believe in HIM throughout all ages and into eternity. 

Those people believe in HIS taking their punishment on the cross because HE loved them.  HE carried the sins of the whole world throughout all ages but the only thing is that the LOVE of GOD is just found in JESUS (Romans 8:39, John 3:36). So only those who believe in JESUS are cleansed from their sin and come to GOD through JESUS (Hebrews 7:25) thereby becoming children GOD (John 1:12) and will live forever (John 3:16).

As GOD’s children, if we willingly pour ourselves out to those around us.  If we obey JESUS command to witness of HIM and love, instead of always thinking what is in it for me, GOD’s love will continually flow to us, refilling us. Of course, if we hold back, keeping all we know to ourselves, we will be like the Dead Sea and begin to evaporate and die inside.

Which sea are you?

By this we know the love of GOD, because HE laid down HIS life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.  1 John 3:16

He that believeth on ME (JESUS), as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  But this spoke HE(JESUS) of the HOLY SPIRIT, which they that believe on HIM (JESUS) should receive John 7:38-39



Follow the leader

I remember playing follow the leader? If the leader went around a chair, so must you; if he bent down, you had to bend down; if he hopped, you had to hop. In much the same way one reason JESUS became a human so HE could go ahead of us to lead us in the way to go.

JESUS is our shepherd and we, HIS sheep therefore need to follow HIM.  That is we do things as we see HE did them.  We are to look to JESUS to see what to do. How to treat others and even how to cope in troubles.

“Looking unto JESUS the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of GOD. For consider HIM that endured such contradiction of sinners against HIMSELF, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”

Hebrews 2:10 says that to lead us to glory JESUS had to go ahead of us even in suffering.

JESUS was called to suffer so we could be saved, GOD would be glorified, and JESUS would have many brothers and sisters (Romans 8:29).

The things JESUS suffered by taking on a body, during HIS earthly life, as well as in HIS agonizing death of the cross prepared HIM to fulfill HIS role as our high priest. For HIS suffering through HIS life on earth shows us HIS love and that HE actually understands what we go through.

It is written that the LORD was in all points tempted (tested) like as we are, yet without sin so knows how we feel and knows exactly what we need (Hebrews 4:14-15). 

I love the words in Hebrews 12:2 that HE did it all for the joy that was set before HIM. What was that joy?  The joy was to save you and me.

That puts an entirely different light on suffering for me. It helps me understand and accept the words of James more readily.

Count it all joy when you fall into divers (many) temptations (troubles) knowing this that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that your may be perfect (able to complete) and entire, wanting (lacking) nothing (you will be able to complete the work GOD gives you to do.) James 1:2-4.

Our suffering prepares us for the work we are called to as JESUS sufferings showed HIM prepared for HIS calling as our High Priest.

In 2 Corinthians 1:3-8 we are told that CHRIST’s suffering overflows into our lives and declares that if we share in JESUS’ suffering we, like CHRIST, will share in bringing comfort to others.

It works this way. The sufferings of CHRIST flow into our lives and our Heavenly FATHER, the GOD of all comfort, then comforts us in all of our troubles that we may be able to comfort others who suffer, with the same comfort that GOD has given to us.

We are called to co-labor with GOD in helping HIS children. So, when CHRIST’s suffering overflows into our lives and we are called to suffer, it is so others might be helped, and GOD might get the glory.

As I ponder these verses two of realities clearly seen blow my mind:1) JESUS suffered so I could be HIS sister (Romans 8:29). 2) Suffering prepares me to follow JESUS and thus to co-labor with GOD in bringing many to JESUS.

Incredible truth, but since the Bible says it, I know it is true.

Following JESUS who is leading me to glory (Hebrews 2:10).



Comforted by GOD

Those first years I got to be at the amazingly beautiful mountain setting of Camp Elim I had the joy to be both a counselor with a cabin full of rowdy girls at our camps and on staff when we did rental camps.  The young director would gather the staff together for devotions beginning with worship songs.  It was an introduction to worship music for me since my church held to the wonderful hymns in the hymnals.

Dan would have us sing songs new to that day such as, “Make me a servant,” and “YOU are my hiding place.”  To this day they and so many like them bring me into GOD’s holy presence.

Has GOD ever hidden you? Hidden you in terrible times and from people speaking words without knowledge? HE has for me. Let me tell you of just one of those times.

HE (GOD) found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness, HE encircled him and instructed him, HE kept (protected) him as the apple of HIS eye (like an eyelid protects the eye by closing). As an eagle stirs up its nest (and forces its young to leave and learn to fly), it hovers over its young, spreading its wings (to catch them if they falter), taking them up, carrying them on its wings (Deuteronomy 32:10-11).

When I learned my Daddy died, I flew out to the desert area of Lake Havasu City where he’d lived. Then hesitantly, after much whispering they told me. Dad had grown weary and had given up. He got to the point where he felt he could take the intense pain no longer.  It had been several years since his central nervous system broke down, and any movement or even a loving touch sent searing pain through him.  HE was in nonstop agony. Then one day, after placing signs to warn his beloved wife, Bethy, to stop at that spot and call the authorities, Dad hung himself.

After I was told, I couldn’t just sit there and listen as they hashed the events over and over. I had to get away from the talk, from the people, from the assumptions. I had to go talk with my LORD. Leaving the house, I began walking up and down the hilly streets. As I walked, I talked to GOD through my tears. From within came a song I’d recently heard so began singing it.  The words changed here and there as I sang the song, as the prayer it was. GOD heard and seemed to lift me up, pull me close, and hold me tight.

“Oh, SON of GOD enfold me, with the SPIRIT of YOUR love, come and fill my heart and satisfy my soul. Take all that holds me and YOUR SPIRIT like a dove, descend upon my heart and make me whole. JESUS, OH JESUS come and hold YOUR lamb, JESUS, OH JESUS come and hold YOUR little lamb.”

As in Deuteronomy 32:10-11 GOD found me in the desert, HE encircled me with HIS love, flooded me with HIS peace, and protected me from the words without knowledge, by drawing me into HIS arms, and carrying me on HIS wings.

There are times when someone is hurting and there are no words to say. I will hold them and sing softly into their ear, “O SON of GOD enfold her with the SPIRIT of YOUR love come and fill her heart and satisfy her soul ….” 

For GOD says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Blessed be GOD, even the FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the FATHER of mercies, and the GOD of all comfort;WHO comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of GOD.

So, GOD is to this day using even that tragedy of decades ago to help others just as HE says HE will (Romans 8:28).

Times come that are completely out of our control.  Times of pain and helplessness when there is nothing we can do. It can be paralyzing, and we become confused not know how to cope or what to do. At those times we must cry out to GOD in our need, and HE comes to hold you and strengthen you.  In HIS time GOD will instruct us in what to do.  The LORD did it for me and HE will do it for you.

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.



Back in the day

Back in the day when my nearly 60-year-old and 56-year-old daughters where only 6 and 3, I had over slept and I awoke to loud giggles.  From the sound it was clear that my two little red-haired girls were up and into mischief.  I knew I had to get up pronto!  What I saw made me want to cry. It was a mess, one big mess!

They must have woken up hungry and found the little free single serving samples of the new cereal LIFE that I had picked up at the grocery.  They tasted so good, and I had purposefully hidden them.  Now all of it was gone.  Much wasted, smashed, crushed all over the carpet.  Praise the LORD, they ate it dry!

I didn’t own a vacuum back then and with the long shag carpet it was going to mean some heavy duty sweeping with the broom. I’d just done that the day before.

Our world today is filled with loud noise and is a big mess.  Wars, hatred, earthquakes, natural disasters, Covid, inflation and food shortages just to mention a few.  How did it get this way?

The Bible says it’s because people wanted to do what they wanted to do.  So suppressed the truth and refused to retain the knowledge of GOD HE had shown them (Romans 1:18-21,28). From there things just kept getting worse because without GOD’s leading, they listen to the one disguised as an ‘angel of light’ (2 Corinthians 11:14) Satan/ the prince of the power of the air/ the devil who now works in the children who disobedience who refuse JESUS (Ephesians 2:2-3). And that is why our world is such a mess because although the devil promises great and wonderful things, that thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Now I was able to clean up the mess with a bit of hard sweeping and if anyone turns to the LORD, GOD promises to help them clean up their messes.  GOD will forgive us when we acknowledge we’ve sinned (1 John 1:9) and will renew our thinking with the washing of the water of the Word of GOD (Ephesians 5:26).

That is so important, “for as a man thinks in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).

But cleaning up the mess of this world is something else. We can pray against the wrongs of this world, but if people don’t turn to JESUS they continue in the kingdom of darkness under Satan’s ways. And things won’t change.

There is no question we are living in the last days and only those who believe in JESUS will be spared the horrors of the 7-year tribulation, called Jacob’s trouble that is coming on this CHRIST rejecting world. 

Who will tell your friends and family about JESUS if you don’t?



Just ask

Now GOD made the ostrich.  HE created her in such a marvelous way that she could easily outrun a horse (clocked at over 40 mph) her kick can kill a lion and the male ostrich warns its flock of danger by making a “boo-booo-boooo” call that sounds like a lion’s roar.  But GOD did not give her the wisdom nor the understanding to hide her eggs… she just leaves them on top of the ground where anyone can step on them.

She is not to blame for her treatment of her eggs (which by the way are the biggest eggs in the world, weighing 3 pounds and measuring 6 inches in diameter.  One ostrich egg is the equivalent of 2 dozen chicken eggs) She doesn’t have a choice in caring better for her young for she doesn’t have the wisdom to do a better job. (Job 39:13-18.)

Now GOD has specific jobs for each of us to do (Ephesians 2:10) and HE calls each one of us by name and places within us the desire to do the job HE want us to do (Philippians 2:13) and HE has promises power to do what HE wants done (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

On our own we are like the ostrich and don’t have the wisdom to do it right.

Unlike the ostrich, even though we may lack wisdom, we have been given the right to ask GOD for wisdom and the promise that if we ask GOD HE will give us the wisdom we need without any criticism of us or any of our past efforts. (James 1:5). Isn’t that wild?  I think that is the most amazing thing. But we must realize that is not a given.  You have to ask and when you ask you must be willing to do whatever GOD directs you to do (John 7:17).

Right now, is there something you know you need to do but feel you lack the know how to get it done right?  GOD says, “you have not because you ask not (James 4:2).  GOD promises that if you ask, you will receive (Luke 11:9-10).  So ask! 



All squished up

All squished up inside of him is a beautiful butterfly

Some wonder why JESUS commanded us to be HIS witness.

“their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.” Mark 9: 48.

All squished up in that worm is a beautiful butterfly.

Back in the day I was reading in the Bible and came to, “where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9: 48). Puzzled I asked the LORD, “What in the world does that mean, LORD?” The word metamorphosis came to mind and so I went to an encyclopedia to refresh my memory on the process (it was in the days before computers and cell phones).

As I studied out the word, the answer to my question was crystal clear.

Interestingly the word metamorphosis is used two times in the original New Testament manuscripts. Both times tell how someone can become all that GOD want him to be.

“I beg you … by the mercies of GOD, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy (set apart to GOD), acceptable unto GOD, which is your reasonable service. And don’t be conformed to this world: but be transformed (Greek metamorphosis) by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of GOD (Romans 12:1-2).

Hummm we have to be renewed in our thinking to know GOD’s will and to know that it is good, it can be accepted and is perfect.

II Corinthians 3:16 tells us that when we turn to JESUS CHRIST and believe that HE died for our sins and was raised so we too could be raised and live with HIM forever, the veil that keeps unbelievers from understanding the Word of GOD is taken away. For we are given the HOLY SPIRIT to explain the Bible to us (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).

Then we who believe in JESUS, beholding as looking in a mirror the glory of (wonderful things that are true about) the LORD, and we are changed (Greek= Metamorpho)into the same image from glory to glory (step by step), by the SPIRIT of the LORD (2 Corinthians 3:18).

This is saying that as we grow in our knowledge of JESUS it is like we are looking into a mirror and seeing JESUS. Step by step the HOLY SPIRIT shows us more of what JESUS is like and that changes (metamorphosis) us so that quality we have seen becomes a part of us. An example of this literally occurred one day when I was furious with a person in authority who I felt totally wronged me. So I told the LORD all about it and all of a sudden it was like I was seeing a video. I began remembering time after time when the LORD had forgiven me and no longer could I hold on to my anger against that person. The offense didn’t seem worth bothering with.

With that in mind let’s look back to what we learned in school about how a butterfly came to be and see what the Bible is saying about us as Christians.

Metamorphosis is a process with 3 distinct stages.

1)It begins when the larva hatches from an egg-worm. This is the eating and growing stage-constantly eating/ never having enough.

In the secular world, people are constantly trying to fill the emptiness they feel by feeding on the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. But nothing ever really satisfies. Actually, the hunger increases. It is as if the hole gets bigger and bigger. Ask any drug addict or alcoholic.

II Kings 17:15 tells us that chasing after emptiness, they empty themselves out.

(2)Then, the larva spins a cocoon and goes into its resting stage. While inside the cocoon digestive juices destroy much of the worm’s body, leaving a few cells intact. The remaining cells will begin the growth of the adult by using the nutrients from the broken-down larva. During this stage the insect is resting yet experiences a considerable amount of activity as its body tissues reorganize to form wings, legs, new eyes and mouth parts. It undergoes a complete transformation.

Modern science is unable to explain how a lowly crawler (worm) with biting mouth parts can be transformed (metamorphosized) into a graceful, winged insect with a built-in straw for sipping nectar from flowers.

But, unless the larva leaves his worm state of consuming hunger / constant eating and dies by entering the cocoon he will never become a butterfly.

The same is true for people. Unless one dies to his self-centered, self-deifying, self-satisfying quest and enters into CHRIST JESUS through believing in HIS finished work on the cross, his worm does not die.

JESUS described hell as a place – “where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. Mark 9: 48

The cocoon or resting stage is hard and takes time and it is a breakdown of the old and a reconstruction to create the new. We are told we enter into rest when we believe (Hebrews 4). When we realize we are lost and cannot save ourselves and choose to look to JESUS’ work on the cross for us, then as we call on the name of the LORD we are saved (Romans 10:13). By reaching out to JESUS by believing HE died for us, we die to self and are placed in CHRIST.

Then GOD takes over to do the changes Romans (8:29). because by one sacrifice HE has made perfect forever those who are being (process) made holy (Hebrews 10:14).

(3)Stage 3 is when a totally different creature emerges from the cocoon. That is done with a great struggle and pressure. Note: if the cocoon opening is enlarged to aid the butterfly’s exit it will emerge deformed for the tremendous pressure of squeezing through the small opening is what forces the butterfly’s body fluids to move to the proper place for the fore and hind wings are attached and held in place by the veins at the base of the wings.

Just as the pressure of our problems are needed for our strengthening. Problems produce (James 1:2-4), yes actually achieve for us. “All this is for your benefit, … to the glory of GOD. For that reason we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen (our situation), but on what is unseen (what GOD is achieving for us through our situation), since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:15-18)

“we also glory (give thanks and take joy) in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because GOD’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the HOLY SPIRIT, who has been given to us (Romans 5:3-5).

In other words, step by step we are made to participate in the very nature of GOD (2 Peter 1:4) though we never becoming gods.

We begin our lives as a worm constantly striving to feed our hungers/ our desires. Our worm dies as we enter into the cocoon of believing in JESUS. Then we rest from self-effort by believing in JESUS’ finished work and following what the HOLY SPIRIT tells us (which is always agrees with the Word of GOD).

Through the struggles we face GOD is pushing all into place/ achieving for us astounding things vastly beyond all we can ask or even imagine, and we shall emerge beautiful butterflies conformed to the image of JESUS and our Heavenly FATHER who JESUS is exactly like. (Romans 8:29/ Hebrews 1:2-3). When we see JESUS face to face is when we become a butterfly (1 John 3:2).

Unless the larva leaves his worm state of consuming hunger and constant eating to die to his hungers by entering the cocoon he will never become a butterfly.

The same is true for us. Unless one dies to his self-centered, self-deifying, self-satisfying quest by entering into CHRIST JESUS through believing in HIS finished work on the cross, his worm does not die. His hungers remain and intensify. Some Christians fight the cocoon and GOD must discipline them (Hebrews 12:11). Upon believing in JESUS we get eternal life (John 3:16, 36) and are born of the SPIRIT into the family of GOD. GOD disciplines HIS children (Hebrews 12:5-8). GOD decreed all HIS children will undergo metamorphosis (Romans 8:29) and become butterflies.

JESUS described hell as a place – “where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.” Mark 9: 48.

Mark 9:48 says the fire is not quenched for those who refuse CHRIST. Everyone not written in the Lambs book of life will be thrown into the everlasting lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).

The Bible goes on to say everyone (you and me included) will be salted with fire.” We all have struggles, but if we believe in JESUS, our struggles will end when we go be with JESUS. Not so for the unbeliever whose worm does not die. Whose constant hungers continue throughout eternity and they will suffer. Never, never will the potential all squished up within them develop. Never, never will they be what they were meant to be all because they refused/ chose not to receive the love of the truth that JESUS died for them.


Sharon L Manning

If I’d been

Ever think you know best how something should be handled?

If GOD loves us, why do we have so many troubles?

GOD delights in those who have come to HIM through JESUS (Hebrews 7:25).  In fact, everyone who believes that JESUS died for their sin and was raised has the guarantee of eternal life.  When someone believes and calls on the name of the LORD (Romans 10:13) at that moment that one is born a child of GOD (John 1:12). But being GOD teaches HIS children through our struggles (James 1:2-4), the bigger the family the more problems, big and small, there are to face.

I’ve had 5 children, 13 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren and can’t think of a one whose struggles have not sent me to the throne of grace to beg for GOD’s mercy and favor for them.  Yet through many crisis times I saw no answer, but I always found peace.  That peace threw me beyond having to understand and guarded my heart from fear and my mind from speculating (Philippians 4:6-7).

Ruth Bell Graham wrote:

Had I been Joseph’s  mother I’d have prayed protection from his brothers. “God, keep him safe. He is so young, so different from the others.” Mercifully, she never knew there would be slavery and prison, too. (see Genesis 37, 39-50).

Had I been Moses’ mother I’d have wept to keep my little son: praying she might forget the babe drawn from the water of the Nile. Had I not kept him for her nursing him the while, was he not mine? –and she but Pharaoh’s daughter? (see Exodus).

Had I been Daniel’s mother I should have pled ‘Give Victory!’ –this Babylonian horde godless and cruel– Don’t let him be a captive–better dead, Almighty LORD.’ (see Daniel 1).

Had I been Mary, Oh, had I been she, I would have cried as never a mother cried, ‘Anything, O GOD, anything… –but crucified.’/ end quote.

Had GOD protected Joseph from his brothers, or Moses’ mother got to keep her little boy, had Daniel been killed rather than taken captive and JESUS not crucified… Where would we be today?

Each of these men would have missed the fulfillment and joy of completing their GOD appointed tasks besides GOD’s eternal purposes would have been thwarted. For though these men suffered they were greatly blessed and used mightily to do GOD’s work through the very means their moms would have kept them ‘safe’.

We need to remember GOD has a plan for our sons and daughters and friends and family who believe in JESUS (Ephesians 2:10). The plan is for good not for evil (Jeremiah 29:11).

And although we are told that we don’t know how to pray as we should (Romans 8:26-27), GOD tells us to ask HIM what HE is doing in the lives of HIS children and then we will be able to pray and move HIS hand in their lives (1 John 5:14-15, Isaiah 45:9, 11). Just as when GOD told Elijah HE was going to send rain, then Elijah could pray earnestly in faith (Romans 10:17) and rain came (1 Kings 18:1, James 5:17-18).

Don’t pray what you think best, ask GOD what is best.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge (talk it over with HIM) and HE will direct you (Proverbs 3:5-6) even in how to pray.



Rivers of water

On a hot day it really feels good to jump into a river and cool off. We can bring that refreshment to others.

Some picture heaven as boring, with little activity. They view it as floating on clouds with just some harp music; and singing.  They forget to put the glorious Presence of GOD the FATHER and our LORD JESUS CHRIST in the equation plus all believers from every generation not to mention countless angels.  Endless conversations and activity.  Don’t know about you but when my kids come over with their families, when we gather it is anything but boring!

Besides that aspect, heaven really has to be a place of action. Why? Because a river of life flows through it (Revelation 22:1). A flowing river is filled with action. This river brings life wherever it flows.

JESUS spoke of water as a symbol of the GOD the HOLY SPIRIT and the SPIRIT is active and on the move.  We praise the LORD that when we came to believe in JESUS we were sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise (Ephesians 1:13-14) and that HE would become in us like stream of living water flowing through us bringing refreshment and life to those we come in contact with.

That life giving river that flows through heaven illustrates how we, as believers in JESUS should live now.  Let the live giving SPIRIT (Ephesians 2:1) move through you in peace and joy bringing hope to others (Romans 15:13). As HE nudges you let HIS love move you and flow from you. Allow HIS mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, patience, longsuffering, self-control not just to fill you and guide you but let it flow through you to bless others.

One has stated that pride doesn’t flow, cause it’s puffed up, selfishness is stuck up, and anger is riled up. But love, now love flows, as do mercy, grace, joy and peace.  Look to JESUS (Hebrews 12:2-3) trust in the LORD with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding but in all your ways talk to HIM and GOD’s wisdom will guide you (Proverbs 3:5-7) and HIS peace will flow like a river and not just calm you but bring calm to others even in times of storms. 

Yield to the HOLY SPIRIT’s nudges (what you know you should do Philippians 2:13) and from within you will flow streams of living water to meet the thirst of those around you (John 7:38-39). And as a bonus, if we let the HOLY SPIRIT lead us, we won’t fulfill the desires of the flesh! (Galatians 5:16).



Happy Mother’s Day

Being a mom has many blessings but is also a lot of work and can bring struggles. The pain of having your child seriously rebel brings a sense of helplessness, hopelessness and incredible pain that seems unbearable.  But GOD.

That is where one of the mighty wonders of GOD comes in.  It is a staggering truth, but one seen throughout the Word of GOD.  That phenomenon confounds our understanding for it is infinite, totally beyond our finite reach.

When the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY chose to make man in HIS image and included the right and responsibility of choice in the package, GOD in HIS total, unfathomable, foreknowledge knew that we would use that gift of choice to sin.

Amazingly, the Maker of Heaven and earth and all that is within them choose to use the frailty of man to reveal truth about HIMSELF both to us and to the angelic beings (Ephesians 3:10).  Not only that, but at the same time to use our weaknesses as an opportunity to teach us and develop HIS qualities in us.

GOD is able by presetting times and places (Acts 17:26-27) to take even our bad choices and the sin of man and work it for an end result of good for those who call out to HIM (1 Corinthians 1:2, Romans 8:28) with a step by step end result of transforming them back into the image of GOD the Son (Romans 8:29, Hebrews 12:11) that we may participate in the very nature of GOD (2 Peter 1:4).  NOT to become gods, but to grow in godly qualities such as love, joy, peace, forgiveness, long-suffering patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, understanding  and the like.

The LORD, our Creator is good. HE is not the author of evil, neither does HE tempt us to do bad (James 1:13). But HE is able according to the working whereby HE is able even to subdue all things to HIMSELF (Philippians 3:21) to take us or our children right where we are at and step by step transform us IF we call out to HIM (Acts 2:21).  It is written that HIS name was to be called JESUS for HE will save HIS people (those who believe on HIM) from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

Too often we leave the LORD out of the equation as we deal with challenges in our lives.  Yet, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wants to be an active part of any and every situation of our life and all HE is waiting for is an invitation (Proverbs 3:5-7).

“And call upon ME in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you will glorify ME (Psalm 50:15).

