Are you clinging?

When you have a break in the daily hassle, where does your mind go?  What are you looking forward to?

“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from GOD’s love for them (Jonah 2:8 NIV).

“Those who worship worthless idols forfeit the mercy that could be theirs” (Jonah 2:8 NET)

“they have wandered far from ME (the LORD GOD) and walked after emptiness and futility and became empty” (Jeremiah 2:5).

Using the  paraphrase of Jeremiah 2:5 “Chasing after emptiness they emptied themselves out,” I asked an alcoholic, “Is your thirst/ the hole/ the need for more getting bigger?  Do you seem emptier?”  She said, “yes.  Nothing satisfies for long.”

Chasing after and clinging to the momentary delights of this world, whatever form it takes, turns us away from all GOD offers not just for this life but for the next as well.

The LORD says, “Call unto ME in the day of trouble, I will deliver you!” (Psalm 50:15).  For only those who call on the name of the LORD (JESUS) will be saved (Romans 10:13).

What are you, what am I holding onto that keeps us from seeking the LORD with all our hearts?



Can you smile?

Can you smile and mean it even in the tough times?

James, the half-brother of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, tells us to consider it all JOY when your life full of difficulties and temptationsfor when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.

GOD using our struggles to develop wonderful divine character qualities like HE said HE would (Romans 8:29).  What the devil means for harm GOD intends and uses for our good (Genesis 50:20).

JESUS warned us that in this world we would have troubles.  But we need something to hang on when times get rough. HE said that man cannot live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD (Matthew 4:4).  

“test everything (by the Word of GOD), hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:2).

GOD’s word is alive and powerfully energized, therefore the truths of GOD’s word is what we need to grab ahold of it and not let go of when times get rough (Hebrews 4:12). 

In the midst of trouble Job said, “Shall we indeed accept good from GOD–and shall we not accept adversity?” Job 2:10.

Shall we trust our Heavenly Father only when our lives are filled with what we perceive as good things, but not trust HIM and HIS eternal love when struggles tumble into our lives? Do we think that God is good only when HE makes things go the way we want them to?

GOD calls us to trust HIM no matter the circumstance.  When troubles enter, GOD is by our side for HE has promised never to leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).  HE works in the midst of our pain and sorrow.  HE can achieve whatever needs to be done and often HE does HIS awesome work behind the scenes.

GOD says, …All things are for our benefit…Outwardly we are wasting away but inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Our troubles are actively achieving for us awesome things that far outweigh the pain of today. So, look not at what is seen, (our situation), but focus on what cannot be seen, (that which GOD is achieving for us through our situation) for what is seen in temporary but what is not seen is eternal! (2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

“We know that GOD causes all things (good, bad and ugly) to work together for (an end result of) good to those who love GOD, to those who are called according to HIS purpose.” Romans 8:28

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will make your paths straight!  Be not wise in your own eyes…” Proverbs 3:5-7.

Remember too that the day is fast approaching, and it may be nearer than we imagine, when JESUS will come for we who believe in HIM and we will be air lifted to heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) where there is no pain or sorrow and where GOD will wipe away every tear (Revelation 21:4).

