Hiss for them

GOD says, “I will hiss for them, and gather them, for I have redeemed them… ” (Zechariah 10:8 KJ).

When mom was a little thing, she unwittingly ventured into an area of a bee hive.  I don’t know the details only that she was stung all over her body and became very sick. Bees can be dangerous. But, they also are amazing creatures that GOD made for special purposes.  One purpose HE assigned to them was to cross pollinate many food plants, so we can have vegetables and fruits. Another purpose GOD assigned to the bee was to produce products of their own.  My favorite is honey, which besides being sweet also counteracts seasonal allergies of plants in the area they live.

To be a bee-keeper, one must be careful and learn what to do and what not to do; but most of all they must be able to remain calm for bees are easily agitated.  The bee-keeper must know how to hiss.  Hissing is the art of calling the bees to gather together and come back to the hive.

As I was talking to the LORD concerning some precious rebels who have wandered from HIS ways, the HOLY SPIRIT reminded me of a scripture promise.  I jumped up and looked it up the reference, checking out a word in Hebrew.  The word was Hiss.  To hiss seemed a strange act for our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY to perform, until I went to the Hebrew.  Saroq=hiss or whistle for anyone.  Hiss, as the way a bee-keeper gathers his bees.

The setting of the text is: the Jews are dispersed far and wide because of their sins.  GOD speaks of HIS promise concerning them (just like GOD promised me certain things about my children).  Then GOD says, “ I will hiss for them, and gather them, for I have redeemed them… ” (Zechariah 10:8 KJ).

The context of the next verse tells how when GOD hisses for them (those who believed in HIM but have left off following the LORD’s ways), they will come running back to HIM.  For HE has brought them back again and they will remember HIM and they and their children will return no matter how far away (deep into sin) from HIM they had gotten.

That concept is the same as one presented in Proverbs 22:6 KJ “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  I saw that play out before my eyes with my Dad. My grandma’s prayers were answered.

There are many, many promises in the Bible.  But only those that come alive to me as I read or hear them, and stay alive in me after checking with GOD, asking HIM if they are really for me to claim, do I believe are mine.  For we must pray in faith, and faith comes from hearing and hearing by the (rhema-specific word for a specific situation- whispered in the heart) word of Christ (Romans 10:17).

GOD speaks to our hearts (rhema) through HIS Word (logos) (rhema= specific word… the Bible =Logos). When GOD directs your mind to something, you know HE wants you to pray it. So, I love praying promises from the Word of GOD, promises that HE has spoken into my spirit.

Now this is important, for we are in warfare against the devil and his demons.  One, of our two offensive weapons, is prayer (Ephesians 6:18), the other is the sword of the SPIRIT which is the (rhema) Word of GOD (Ephesians 6:17).  GOD is stronger than the devil and GOD has promised that if we will acknowledge HIM as knowing the way, believing that HE will lead us, HE HIMSELF promises to direct our path.  Neither the devil, nor my personal wants can over ride HIS direction if I am yielded to HIM (Proverbs 3:5-7).

Today, the promise that GOD HIMSELF will at the proper time, hiss for my prodigals and will heal their backsliding (Hosea 14:4) fills my heart with such joy and assurance that I know I will keep reminding the LORD of it if I get discouraged. Just stating the promise aloud renews my faith.

I wonder, now when I see a bee, will I think of this promise?

Looking unto JESUS, who is the Way to our FATHER in Heaven.

