Past, Present and Future

I used to love putting together jigsaw puzzles, but I don’t have the time to work on puzzles any more.  One thing for sure, before beginning to put pieces of the puzzle together I had to have an idea of what the completed puzzle would like and gather outline pieces and similar colors together or it would be pure confusion.

On the surface parts of the Bible can be like that.  As Peter tells us in 2 Peter 3:16 some scripture is hard to understand for those who have not learned by studying the Word of GOD …

It takes time to learn, to know GOD and HIS ways.  GOD teaches us when we go to HIS word. Isaiah 28:Whom shall HE teach knowledge? and whom shall HE make to understand doctrine? …10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little

We put together a jigsaw puzzle piece by piece and the more pieces we put together the clearer the becomes.  In the same way things become clearer as we continue to study the Bible. 

Paul in Acts 20:27 declaredFor I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of GOD.”  He knew that believers needed teachers to help them understand the hard parts.  So we don’t get stuck/ confused at what GOD means

That is why JESUS gave pastors and teachers to the church (Ephesians 4:11-14) to help us see what GOD is saying not just to know what to believe but to know how to act. (Yet we must always check out what teachers say with the Word of GOD Isaiah 8:20)

A word in the Bible may have many meanings which one can only understand according to the context where it is used. So, when a word’s meaning is confusing sometimes it helps to do a word study to get an overview of that subject.  You can do it by looking up every reference of that word and seeing it fits in its chapter. 

One such concept that could be confusing came to light today as I was writing the study for 1 Peter 1. Feeling that I needed to explain it further so the gals in class could grasp what was being said I rewrote a poem I wrote decades ago. 

The concept is about salvation.  My son liked it so well, I thought I would share it with you.

Salvation Past Present and Future

Past:      JESUS has saved me from the punishment, the punishment of sin Dying for me HE saved me from the punishment of my sin When I called on the LORD JESUS, trusting in HIS word HE washed me and saved me from the punishment of sin.    Ephesians 2:5 Revelation 1:5

JESUS saved me from the punishment, the punishment of sin, HIS death on the cross saved me from the punishment of my sin. And now I’ll share HIS glory, with HIM forever be. For HE has saved me from the punishment of sin.   John 3:16

Present:      Though I’m saved from the punishment, the punishment of sin I found my old sin nature still lurks within But JESUS has promised victory, victory over sin.

Yes, HE helps me and keeps saving me from the power of sin.  Hebrews 7:25 1 Corinthians 1:18 HE is saving me from the power, the power of sin

Praying for me JESUS saves me from the power of sin. If I run to HIM when tempted, giving all my thoughts to HIM GOD saves me from the power of sin.   Hebrews 4:16 James 1:17 1 Peter 1:5

The SPIRIT also is saving me from the power, the power of sin As HE reveals JESUS to me, I become more like HIM    2 Corinthians 3:18 By planting truth within me, HE shows me the evilness of sin And so the SPIRIT is saving me from the power, the power of sin  John 16:8, 13 Philippians 2:13           

Future:    As I’m being saved from the power, the power of sin One day JESUS will call me up and I’ll go be with HIM.  1 Thessalonians 4:14-17 The expectant hope of redemption and adoption is growing within    Romans 8:23 For I’ll be set free from this body and saved from the very presence of sin.  1 Peter 1:5 Romans 5:9, Romans 7:24

That is why we must read the Bible from cover to cover. 

