Check it out

One summer in the early 70’s was a terrible time of difficulties and confusion for me. Although I lived 50 miles away I decided to go to the Quincy fair to see if I could see any of my friends from high school.  Walking around at the fair, a stranger at the Gospel trailer introduced herself to me and said, “You look troubled. If you ever want to talk here is my address, write me.” And with that she handed me a slip of paper with her name and address. While doing laundry the following week I found that slip of paper and wanting to vent I wrote her.  She challenged me to take 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and give thanks to GOD every time I felt hurt or got mad at my situation, even if it meant doing it dozens of times each day. She told me to disregard my feelings and do just want it said- to give thanks.

I took her challenge and being I had to change my focus off the problem and on to GOD each time I thanked HIM for something negative, things began changing in me. For being with GOD changes us. After a few letters back and forth (we lived over 100 miles apart) she invited me to go with their little church up a mountain for a few days of camping with preaching,  She dismissed my excuses by saying just to bring my 2 young daughters and everything from a tent to food would be provided. I accepted.  During a break in the preaching we were told to go alone and read the Bible. GOD met with me as I sat under a tall Ponderosa Pine reading in Isaiah 50.  Through HIS word the LORD told me what HE was calling me to do (Isaiah 50:4-5) and gave me a strong warning to wait for HIS instructions for if I plotted my own way I would only get myself into trouble (Isaiah 50:10-11).  I believed HIM as HE spoke through HIS Word and the HOLY SPIRIT made it clear in my heart.

As you probably have noticed, GOD called me to share with others that which HE speaks to me through HIS word. Check out what I say by GOD’s Holy Word.

Never in scripture do you find the words, “figure it out yourself.” But repeatedly GOD’s Word urges us to “ask GOD” (James 1:5-7), or “acknowledge GOD” (talk to GOD about it-Proverbs 3:5-7). That is because the LORD has already figured out and knows what I need to do. HE declares that HE has even prepared the way ahead for me and you (Ephesians 2:10).  When GOD nudges me or tugs at me to do something, I know that I need to do it.

Still there are times I must force myself to not to be like a stubborn mule and just trust HIM when I don’t understand. The HOLY SPIRIT reminds me (John 14:26) that HE warned me not to scheme my way ahead but wait for HIS to leading (Isaiah 50:10-11).

There were times that even the 12 disciples questioned our LORD’s leading. “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing, nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” The disciples chose to obey JESUS’ nudge when it made no human sense to them. Because they did, they caught so many fish they had to call for another boat to help them pull them in the catch (Luke 5:5-7).

We need to be open minded and eager to hear GOD’s instructions, willing to do whatever HE wants. JESUS said if we are willing to do what GOD wants we will know if something is really from GOD or not (John 7:17).

A good way to learn to discern GOD’s voice is to be like the Bereans and daily search the scriptures (Acts 17:11). That way we will recognize the LORD’s voice when we hear it and know if the nudge or tug we are feeling is really from GOD.

