For or against

There are so many issues in our world today and we must know where we stand.  Are we for or against.

In the New Testament a word meaning ‘to meet with and converse’ can be translated to mean opposite things depending on which preposition is used with it.

1-INTERCEDE has the preposition (note the position) meaning ABOVE with the word meaning to meet with and converse: the resultant meaning: meeting with another for/ on the behalf of a 3rd party, to plead for them.

ABOVE/ uper is the proposition always used when the GODHEAD meets together and talks about us.  They meet and talk with regard to our needs.  Their purpose is always to lift us up whether for growth, or provision, or discipline or protection but always for our good according to GOD’s purposes.

GOD the FATHER not only provides for us (James 1:17) but also pleads for us. I don’t understand all that it means but know that since I belong to HIM by accepting JESUS as my LORD and Savior, GOD is on my side and (nothing) can separate me from the love of GOD that is in CHRIST JESUS (Romans 8:39).

GOD the FATHER: For the LORD will plead their cause and spoil the one that spoil them Proverbs 22:23

 …HE (GOD) who pleads the cause of HIS people Isaiah 51:22 Truth fails and the one that departs from evil (and does good) opens himself up to attack.  The LORD saw it and it displeased HIM that there was no judgment and HE saw there was no one and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore, HIS arm brought salvation unto him and HIS righteousness sustained him (Isaiah 59:16).

JESUS, GOD the SON:  Who is he that condemns? It is CHRIST that died … that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of GOD (the FATHER), who also makes intercession for us (Romans 8:34) …Wherefore HE (JESUS CHRIST) is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto GOD by HIM, seeing HE ever lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25).

GOD the HOLY SPIRIT not only edits our prayers to agree with the plans and purposes of GOD for us but: The HOLY SPIRIT makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  And HEEHE that searches the hearts (GOD the FATHER) knows what is the mind of the SPIRIT, because HE make intercession for the saints according to the will of GOD.

Even though the TRINITY prays for us, GOD want us to ask HIM for our needs ourselves: …you have not because you ask not (James 4:2)… (The LORD says)…I will do it for them, but I want them to ask ME…Ezekiel 36:36b-37 Come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and get grace to help in time of need.

GOD also wants us to pray for others: And I (GOD) sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me …(Ezekiel 22:30) 

2-the same stem word to meet with or converse with is used with another preposition meaning DOWN/ kata (again note position) the resultant meaning is to accuse, complain or bring charges against another.

he makes intercession to GOD against Israel (Romans 11:2)

When the devil, who is a legalist, meets with GOD as in Job 1:2-7 it is always to bring us down, to accuse us to GOD and bring charges against us: For the accuser of the brethren (the devil) is cast down who accused them before our GOD day and night. Revelation 12:10

When we speak of others is it to benefit them or do you and I spend time criticizing and accusing others?

