Reach out

It sure has been hot! So, I just stay inside. But a dear sister in Christ told me the pump of her swamp cooler went out and she feels like she is baking in the heat.  So of course we prayed.

GOD… preset the exact times and places so that men would seek HIM and perhaps reach out for HIM and find HIM Acts 17:26-27 (that includes things in our daily life not just initially for salvation).

I wish I could fix it for her and even my husband wanted to fix it but if it’s on the roof he cannot help because he is 84 years old and heights now make him dizzy.

Just like we go from the heat of summer–> to the beauty of autumn –> to the bitter, bitter cold of winter and then –>to soft rains and the promise of spring so my life and yours has seasons.

One of the seasons in my life, much like a severe winter snow storm when everything seemed wrong, I felt alone/ had no close friend near me to whom I could talk, and it was back in the days before cell phones and computers so I couldn’t even contact my mom or dad. My infant son had died. My husband, in deep grief chose to be in a bar and I worked in garlic field while my 2 little girls played at a neighbor’s. Then one additional thing occurred that hurt so badly it broke my spirit and I felt like giving up. I stuffed Bible away in the back of a drawer under some clothes and turned away.

Not long after that a complete stranger came up to me and said, “You are hurting, here is my address if you want to talk write me.” She was in town just for the day but lived 100 miles away from me. I stuck that paper in my pocket and went my way. 

Isn’t it amazing how GOD, who has scheduled all the days of our lives before we began to breathe (Psalm 139:16 AMP) has preset the exact times and places that we should reach out to HIM and perhaps choose to find HIM so we can get the direction we need (Acts 17:26-27)? I had turned from HIM. Knowing I would do that GOD prepared one to turn me back around.

Doing laundry later that week the slip paper with her address turned up as I checked the pockets. Wanting to vent/ voice my pain, I wrote to her detailing my situation and feelings. She answered quickly telling of enduring a similar season of pain. Then she challenged me to commit for 1 month to give (not feel) but give GOD thanks for whatever upset me each and every time I felt upset, angry or hopeless (Ephesians 5:20 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Note: GOD never tells us to feel anything, only to obey,

It seemed to offer a glimmer of hope, so I accepted the challenge. At first it seemed like I would turn to GOD and audibly thank HIM for what upset me every time I turned around, maybe 30 times a day. The very moment negative thoughts sprung up in my head and anger, self-pity, or hopelessness arose I would spit out, sometimes through grit teeth, unfelt thanksà I was giving the costly sacrifice of thanksgiving. It cost because I felt anything but thankful.

Through the years, during such harsh seasons scriptures opened up to me that have become life verses as they taught me some of GOD’s ways.

2 Corinthians 4:15-18 came alive to me. My troubles are momentary, and light compared to the eternal wonders GOD is achieving for me through them. My job was to focus on GOD’s promise for HE was working the troubles for my good

Romans 8:28 GOD is working the hard times along with the good times to benefit me since I loved HIM.  The good and that good HE works together to develop my character to be like my LORD JESUS CHRIST (Romans 8:29).

Slowly I began to see James 1:2-4 coming to be. That is by giving thanks during troubles was the means of my growing in endurance and preparing me for next assignment GOD had prepared for me to walk in (Ephesians 2:10).

Gradually I changed because each time I went to GOD and thanked HIM I was going to HIS throne with a sweet-smelling sacrifice of thanksgiving. The LORD would meet me there with HIS promises and give me peace to throw me beyond having to understand (Philippians 4:6-7) until the next time. 

But unless I refocused off the problem to what I knew was true about HIM and what HE has done or placed in my life and then do what I knew to do all the negative thoughts and feeling would return. (Philippians 4:8-9)

Sometimes as I obey HE gives me tiny glimpses in what HE is doing.  But that is a special and rare treat.

Someone asked, “Do you really believe what you think you believe?”  “Does GOD really rule in the kingdom of men” (Daniel 4:17)? That got me thinking.

So, when reoccurring long standing (but momentary in light of eternity) hard impossible situations occur for me or my loved ones I have learned to give thanks and refocus on what I know is true.

GOD reigns in the kingdom of men (Daniel 4:17),

HE knows what HE is doing for HE knows the end from the beginning, since from before HE created the world (Isaiah 46:9-10).

All things have a purpose and GOD is working all things together for good to those who love HIM (Romans 8:28).

I rest in the truth that GOD is good, and nothing can separate me from HIS love (Romans 8:39).

FOCUS is so important. Yes, I really believe what I say I believe, but I must choose over and over to act on what I know is true. For believing/faith does not always include feeling. But true believing/faith means trust and produces action.

Remember it is GOD who preset the exact times and places in your life and mine for the very reason of having us reach out to HIM (Acts 17:26 last clause and 27) in every situation (Proverbs 3:5-7).



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