Eternity and Holiness

I felt guilty.  You see my folks had recently divorced and their arguments were always about us kids. I felt very guilty and responsible for the break-up of our family.  My oldest sister went with Mom, Dad had my younger sister, and I went 600 miles away to live with my semi-invalid grandma to wash the cups and saucers (LOL) and basically help her. 

She always had on Christian radio and insisted that I go to church (the only protestant church in our Jewish neighborhood).  It was there one Sunday morning when I was 12 sitting up in the tiny balcony of the little West Hollywood Baptist church, passing notes to a girlfriend and not paying a bit of attention to the sermon when all of a sudden I heard with clarity the pastor’s voice say, “JESUS died for your guilt.”

Without question I believed the offer of JESUS to forgive my sin, cleanse me and change me was real.  Since I wanted to get rid of that nagging feeling of guilt, I rushed down the stairs and to the front of the church to call on the name of the LORD JESUS and be saved (Romans 10:9-10, 13). 

Two years later at a Christian summer camp I sang with the others, “How great THOU art.”  As we sang I experiencing GOD’s presence as never before.  I felt a specific call from GOD and my awareness and AWE of GOD the HOLY ONE raised up several levels. 

All this came back to me as I thought to share with you concerning the HOLINESS, the FOREKNOWLEDGE and UNCHANGEABILITY of our eternal GOD.  The High and lofty ONE who inhabits ETERNITY, whose name is HOLY (Isaiah 57:1)

The Hebrew word holy has two basic meanings.  1) being separate and 2) being morally pure.  We are being changed into the image of our LORD JESUS CHRIST who is GOD the SON to be morally pure.  We were separated to GOD for HIS purposes when we believed in JESUS.  But the HOLINESS of GOD is at a much higher level.

You see GOD is different in HIS HOLINESS than you or I.  HE is separate from all.  One preacher explained the difference in GOD’s HOLINESS and ours because GOD has absolute OTHERNESS.  HE (GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT) is the beginning so HE never began to be.  All things were made by HIM, and nothing was made without HIM (John 1:1-3, 14 Genesis 1:1-2).

Since nothing can come from nothing the eternity of the great I AM’ (GOD who was and is and is to come) is necessary.  For without HIM nothing, not you, not me, not the universe or any other thing could have come into being.

Since GOD is IMMUTABLE, HIS attributes and nature do not change, You might wonder, “But what about JESUS.  HE changed.” 

Isaiah 48:16 From the BEGINNING I (the WORD made flesh) have told you plainly what would happen.” And now the Sovereign Lord and HIS SPIRIT have sent me this message.

JESUS took on a body and became GOD/man Philippians 2:5-8).  GOD the WORD called GOD the SON never changed in HIS GODHOOD that is HIS attributes and nature. But when HE took on flesh / human/ the only (uniquely) begotten JESUS met changes and suffering.  HE was made like us (humans) in all ways so that HE could be our perfect HIGH PRIEST and lead us home to GOD the FATHER (Hebrews 2:9, 14-18).

Yet, ALL that GOD is HE always was. HE never learned anything because HE has always known all things. HE even knows every choice we will ever make. That is called FOREKNOWLEDGE.  

Nearly 1/3 of the bible/ GOD’s word was prophesy (a telling beforehand what would take place in the future) when it was written.  All prophesy is due to FOREKNOWLEDGE.  There have been hundreds upon hundreds of those prophesies fulfilled as foretold.  There are still many prophesies yet to be fulfilled.

GOD tells us in HIS word that the evidence of being GOD is FOREKNOWLEDGE.

Isaiah 41:23 “Declare the things that are going to come afterward, That we may know that you are gods…”

Isaiah 46:9 “Remember the former things of old: for I am GOD, and there is none else; I am GOD, and there is none like ME, 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, MY counsel shall stand, and I will do all MY pleasure: 11 … I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.”

John 6:64 “… for JESUS knew that from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray HIM”

Have you received a promise?  That is when the HOLY SPIRIT assures you that something will occur. HE is telling you things to come (John 16:13), Every promise you have from GOD is prophesy yet to be fulfilled.  Those promises encourage you to endure when things get tough.

GOD’s plans are all based on HIS absolute FOREKNOWLEDGE (Acts 2:23, 1 Peter 1:2) and every one of them will come to be.  For HE is not a man that HE should lie or change HIS mind, if HE has said it HE will do it! (Numbers 23:19)




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